Future interface
ThreadPoolExecutor interfaces
Future interface methods
FutureTask implements Runnable and Future interface.
No need to manually create / maintain threads
More clear semantics on thread relationships with completionStage such as f3 = f1.thenCombine(f2, ()->{})
Constructor methods
CompletionStage: Could be used to specify the relationship between fn, consumer or action
fn means Function, support both parameters T and return value R.
consumer means Consumer supports only parameters T.
action means Runnable, does not support T or R.
Def: Implements a blockingQueue inside. When the future result is available, it will be put future task inside the blocking queue.
It has the following two constructors:
ExecutorCompletionService(Executor executor)
ExecutorCompletionService(Executor executor, BlockingQueue> completionQueue
It provides the following interface methods
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