Kafka-based fixed delay time

Fixed time delay (Kafka based)


  • Delay topics are divided by different delay intervals.

  • Each delay topic corresponds to a dedicated consumer group.



  • Each time when dedicated consumer groups consume a message, the consumer group will sleep for certain period.

  • During the sleep, Kafka will judge that consumers are crashed. And a rebalance will be performed.


  1. Consumer group pulls a message (suppose offset = N after consumption), and check the remaining delay time t.

  2. Consumer group pauses the consumption and slept for delay time t.

    • During the pause, consumer group will still have poll request, but it won't actually poll data.

  3. After sleep, consumer group resumes from offset = N.



  • Commit message first vs forward to business topic first?

Commit message first, then forward

  • If machine crashed in the middle, the message will not be delivered to business topic.

Forward message first, then commit

  • As long as message receiver could guarantee idempotency, then this will be the ideal solution.


  • Delay time must be fixed ahead of time. For example, in the flowchart above, delay time is set to 1, 3, or 10 mins.

  • There might be dramatically different load on different delay partitions. For example, maybe most of (80%) traffic lands on 3min delay period.

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