DB migration


  • The motivation for introduce the third phase: In case something goes wrong on the target table, you could rollback to the original table.

Initial load phase

  • There are two typically used DB backup tools: mysqldump and XtraBackup.


  • Pros:

    • Free

    • Could backup the entire DB, including table structure and data

  • Cons:

    • Backup time could be long

Best practices

  • To increase speed when using mysqldump tool, there are a couple options:

    • Close the unique key check and external key check because source table already guarantees this.

    • Close binlog

    • Adjust the disk flush time of redo log by setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0


  • Pros:

    • Faster backup speed

    • Support incremental backup

    • Backup process won't interrupt executing transactions

  • Cons:

    • Only applicable to InnoDB engine

    • Poor cross-platform compatibility.

Dual write phase

Primary key

innodb_autoinc_lock_mode parameter

  • "innodb_autoinc_lock_mode" parameter determines how InnoDB generates primary key. All three cases rely on table-wise lock.

    • 0: The table lock will be released after insert statements are executed.

    • 1: The table lock release times depend on SQL statements:

      • For INSERT INTO VALUE / INSERT INTO VALUES, the primary key lock will be released immediately after primary keys are generated, instead of after SQL statements are executed.

      • For INSERT / SELECT, the primary key lock will be released after SQL statements are executed.

    • 2: The table lock will be released immediately after primary keys are generated.


  • When writing to the first table of dual write, return the primary key and use it in subsequent table.

Dual write flag in ORM/AOP

  • Typically there is a dual write flag inside the AOP/ORM.

  • This flag controls the dual write mode.

UpdateTime field based approach


for {
  // Execute the SQL query
  // SELECT * FROM xx WHERE update_time >= last_time
  rows := findUpdatedRows()

  for row in rows {
    // Use row primary key / id to find corresponding rows in target table
    tgtRow = findTgt(row.id)
    if row != tgtRow {
      // fix data

  // Record the maximum timestamp of these records, use for next query. 
  last_time = maxUpdateTime(row)

  // Sleep for a while

Soft delete on source table

  • If using hard delete on source table, delete failures on target table won't be discovered.

  • If we need to use hard delete on source table, there needs to be a reverse check from target table to source table.

Binlog triggered

Last updated

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