At least once

Write to Kafka config

In-Sync replicas

  • Kafka dynamically maintains a set of in-sync replicas (ISR) that are caught-up to the leader. Only members of this set are eligible for election as leader. A write to a Kafka partition is not considered committed until all in-sync replicas have received the write.


Message loss

Minimize by acks config

  • To minimize msg loss possibility, set acks=all and forbid the unclean election.

  • If we tell the client a message is committed, and the leader fails, the new leader we elect must also have that message. This yields a tradeoff: if the leader waits for more followers to acknowledge a message before declaring it committed then there will be more potentially electable leaders.

Acks config == Qurom num

  • If you want to avoid message loss, set acks.config == quorum number of Kafka slaves.

Minimize by disk flush

Loss scenario

Config parameters

  • By Number: Every certain time, flush page cache to disk.

  • By Time: Two combined config:


    • log.flush.interval.messages: Each time when there is this number of messages, flush page cache to disk.

Last updated