

  • Query with index should be around 1ms ~ 2ms

  • One write should be around 5ms for SSD disk

CPU capability

  • 1 CPU core can handle 200 operation

  • Usually database server: 56 CPU cores -> 60 CPU cores or more

  • 5-10 CPU cores should be enough without cache

  • One database should be good enough to handle the load

Cache performance

  • Memcache or Rediss usually are cluster, and usually one operation takes 0.1ms or less.

    • 1 CPU cores => 5000-10000 requests

    • 20-40 CPU cores => 200K requests (one machine)

QPS and concurrency

  • Defined inside Little's law

  • For example, if a server has a QPS of 20K and 10ms average response time.

  • Then the concurrency number will be 200.

Last updated

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