Use cases
Real time cab booking service like Uber, Lyft, Bolt.
Real time hotel / restaurant search like Yelp.
Target shoppers nearing a certain store for a marketing promotion.
Hyper-local delivery system — dispatch delivery agents for restaurant order like Uber Eats.
Functional requirements
Given a location by a client or user, our service should figure out certain number of nearby locations.
NN: Given a location, find the nearest k points
Range query: Retrieve all points within a specific spatial range.
Update location
Non-functional requirements
High performance
The location should be accurate so that the delay in update should response ≤ 200 milliseconds.
We need to support 50000 read queries per second & 10000 write queries per second.
Our service is used world wide.
As users grow in our system, the system should scale linearly without adding much burden.
Real world
A great percentage of the below post comes from this blog https://kousiknath.medium.com/system-design-design-a-geo-spatial-index-for-real-time-location-search-10968fe62b9c
Past chart
Uber architecture and system design: https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/uber-architecture-and-system-design-e8ac26690dfc
Last updated
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