Load balancing
Round robin
Weighted round robin
Cons: It may result same node being picked during several consecutive requests.
Smooth weighted round robin
For each node, currentWeight = currentWeight + weight
Pick the max currentWeight node as target node
Change target node currentWeight = currentWeight - sum(weight)
When compared with round robin, the later could be more smooth. Because random-number based could make several consecutive requests landing in one node.
Consistent hashing
Normal hashing algorithm
Cons: Too many items to migrate during resharding
Consistent hashing
Cons: Uneven load during scale up/down
Consistent hashing with virtual nodes
The interval between nodes could be uneven, but the load will be even.
If local cache is enabled on servers, then consistent hashing could reduce the inconsistency.
Using UserID as key, if request 1 for user ID comes to server 1, then request for this user will always land on this node. It will result in better consistency when compared with round robin, etc.
However, it could not completely resolve the inconsistency. For example, when cluster scales up, the old request could land on old node and new request could land on new node.
Complexity analysis
Assume the total number of data M, the total number of nodes N
Read/write complexity increases from O(1)to O(lgn) When compared with traditional hashing because consistent hashing read/write steps are as follow:
Convert hashkey into 32 bit int number. O(1)
Use binary search to find the corresponding node. O(lgn)
Data migration complexity decreases from O(m) to O(m/N).
Data distributed in multiDC: https://www.onsip.com/voip-resources/voip-fundamentals/intro-to-cassandra-and-networktopologystrategy
Consistent hashing in Cassandra documentation: https://cassandra.apache.org/doc/latest/architecture/dynamo.html
Based on metric numbers
Least num of connection
Least num of ongoing requests
Fastest response time
How to collect metrics
Client report to metric collector
These approaches don't take the request itself into consideration.
For example, using the lease num of connection. There might not be that many requests but each request could be pretty big.
Last updated
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