Load balancing


Round robin

  • Weighted round robin

    • Cons: It may result same node being picked during several consecutive requests.

  • Smooth weighted round robin

    1. For each node, currentWeight = currentWeight + weight

    2. Pick the max currentWeight node as target node

    3. Change target node currentWeight = currentWeight - sum(weight)


  • When compared with round robin, the later could be more smooth. Because random-number based could make several consecutive requests landing in one node.

Consistent hashing

  • Normal hashing algorithm

    • Cons: Too many items to migrate during resharding

  • Consistent hashing

    • Cons: Uneven load during scale up/down

  • Consistent hashing with virtual nodes

    • The interval between nodes could be uneven, but the load will be even.


  • If local cache is enabled on servers, then consistent hashing could reduce the inconsistency.

    • Using UserID as key, if request 1 for user ID comes to server 1, then request for this user will always land on this node. It will result in better consistency when compared with round robin, etc.

    • However, it could not completely resolve the inconsistency. For example, when cluster scales up, the old request could land on old node and new request could land on new node.

Complexity analysis

  • Assume the total number of data M, the total number of nodes N

  • Read/write complexity increases from O(1)to O(lgn) When compared with traditional hashing because consistent hashing read/write steps are as follow:

    1. Convert hashkey into 32 bit int number. O(1)

    2. Use binary search to find the corresponding node. O(lgn)

  • Data migration complexity decreases from O(m) to O(m/N).


Based on metric numbers

  • Least num of connection

  • Least num of ongoing requests

  • Fastest response time

How to collect metrics

  • Client report to metric collector


  • These approaches don't take the request itself into consideration.

  • For example, using the lease num of connection. There might not be that many requests but each request could be pretty big.


Last updated

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