Thread Lifecycle
State conversion
When will be a thread blocked?
Timed waiting:
New -> Runnable -> terminated is not reversible
Timed waiting / Waiting / Blocked can only transfer to each other by going through Runnable first.
Create thread - implementing Runnable vs extending Thread
Internal mechanism
There is only one way to create thread - create a Thread instance. And there are two ways to implement the run() method - Override the run() method inside Thread instance vs pass an implementation of Runnable interface into Thread constructor.
Thread and Runnable are complement to each other for multithreading not competitor or replacement. Because we need both of them for multi-threading.
For Multi-threading we need two things:
Something that can run inside a Thread (Runnable).
Something That can start a new Thread (Thread).
So technically and theoretically both of them is necessary to start a thread, one will run and one will make it run (Like Wheel and Engine of motor vehicle).
Best practices - Implement Runnable()
Code cleaniness perspective:
Decoupling: Implementing Runnable could separate thread creation from running.
Extensibility: If adopting the approach of extending Thread, then it could not extend another class because Java does not support multiple inheritance.
Cost of operation perspective: Thread approach will require creating and destroying a thread object each time; When combined with threadpool, Runnable approach could avoid creating a new thread object and deleting it.
Start a thread
Best practices - Use Start()
Start() method responsiblity:
Start a new thread
Check the thread status
Add the thread to thread group
Kick off the Run()
Run() method responsibility:
Kick off the code inside Run()
Key difference is that Start() method (approach 1 below) will create a new thread to run. Run() (approach 2 below) will run everything inside main() method.
Stop a thread
Java does not provide a way for one thread to force stop of another thread because if it does so, then the other thread might be in a state of inconsistency. Java provides a collaboration mechanism for one thread to notify another thread that it would better stop.
Best practices: Please see this folder for sample code:
Object methods
Please see for best practices
Wait, notify and notifyAll
Wait and notify are all based on object's monitor mechanism. Therefore, they are declared as methods on top of Object.
They are considered the native way of doing multi-threading. Java JDK has shipped packages such as Condition variable which is easier to use.
Thread methods
Join thread will be in the waiting status
Join is the native way of doing waiting. Java JDK has shipped packages such as CountDownLatch or CyclicBarrier.
Best pratices:
Wait vs Sleep
Both wait and sleep method could make the thread come into blocked state. Wait will result in Waiting and sleep will result in Time_Waiting.
Both wait and sleep method could respond to interrupt.
Wait could only be used in synchronized blocks, while sleep could be used in other scenarios.
Wait is a method on Object, and sleep is a method on Thread.
Wait will release monitor lock, and sleep will not.
Wait could only exit blocked state reactively, and sleep could proactive exit after specific time.
Yield vs Sleep: Similar. However yield is non-blocking but sleep is blocking
Last updated
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