Shortening mechanisms

Short url length

  • Retention period varies with base radix. For example, assume 500M new records per month

    • If length == 8, 62^8 ~ 200 trillion ~ 33333 years

    • If length == 7, 62^7 ~ 3 trillion ~ 600 years

    • If length == 6, 62^6 ~ 57 B ~ 10 years





Usable characters




Encoding length



  • 6 bits will be enough for purely storage purpose. However, to avoid too many hash collision, we could use 7 bits.

Shortening algorithm

Hashing algorithm

SHA-256 / Murmur / Jenkins


  • Crypto hash function: MD5 and SHA-1

    • Secure but slow

  • Fast hash function: Murmur and Jenkins

    • Performance

    • Have 32-, 64-, and 128-bit variants available


  • Key duplication if only use 6 prefix characters.

    • Possible solution: Use long_url + timestamp as hash argument, if conflict happens, try again

  • Hashing algorithm could be slow.


  • No need to write additional hash function, easy to implement

  • Are randomly distributed

  • Not guessable and reverserable

Base62 / Base64 encoding


  • Faster than SHA-256/Murmur algorithms


  • Key duplication if only use 6 prefix characters.

    • Possible solution: Use long_url + timestamp as hash argument, if conflict happens, try again

  • Easy to predict and guessable

Modified base64 encoding

  • The 62nd and 63rd character is '+' and '/'.

  • Inside URL, '+' and '/' be encoded as '%2B' and '%2F'.

  • So the revised base64 encoding will use '-' instead of '+' and use '_' instead of '/'.

Hashing seed

Truncate self-incrementing id hashing value

  • For example, the self-incrementing id could be implemented by GLOBAL_ID inside database.

  • Cons: Predictable if not implemented carefully.

  • Sample implementation for an id "123"

    1. Pad '0' before the id, becomes "0000123"

    2. Reverse it, becomes "3210000"

    3. Encode "3210000" using base62

Truncate url hashing value

Pre-generate or on-the-fly

  • When generate on the fly, there will be performance bottlenecks if there are collisions after truncating characters.

  • If the hashing values could be calculated ahead of time, the generated URLs could be stored in the file system.

Last updated

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