Redis-based customized delay time

Redis based delay queue


Redis ZSet

  • Delay queue: A list of ordered queues which store all delayed/reserved jobs (only stores job Id)

redis cli> ZADD delayqueue <future_timestamp> "messsage"
redis cli> MULTI
redis cli> ZRANGEBYSCORE delayqueue 0 <current_timestamp>
redis cli> ZREMRANGEBYSCORE delayqueue 0 <current_timestamp>
redis cli> EXEC


  • Scan delay bucket and put expired jobs into ready queue

Redis List

  • Ready queue: A list of ordered queues which store jobs in Ready state.

    • Topic: The same category of job collections


  • It will poll the delay queue and move items to the corresponding topic within ready queues if the tasks are ready.

  • Worker: Workers use BLPOP on the ready queue and process the message. Once done, the response could be put in a response queue and send to consumer.

Job pool: Redis HashTable

  • JobPool: Store all metadata about jobs

    • Stores as key value pairs. Key is job id and value is job struct.

    • Job struct contains the following:

      1. topic: job category. Needed because each category will has its own callback function.

      2. id: job unique identifier

      3. delayTime: time to delay before executing the task

      4. ttr: timeout duration for this job to be executed

      5. body: job content

      6. callback: http url for calling a specific function


Last updated