TimeSeries data


  • Time series = Object + Tag + Metrics + actual data


  • Monitoring object could be in three categories:

    • Machine level: Physical machine, virtual machine, operation system

    • Instance level: Container, process

    • Service level (logical object): Service, service group, cluster


  • Metrics are numeric measurements. Metrics can include:

    • A numeric status at a moment in time (like CPU % used)

    • Aggregated measurements (like a count of events over a one-minute time, or a rate of events-per-minute)

  • The types of metric aggregation are diverse (for example, average, total, minimum, maximum, sum-of-squares), but all metrics generally share the following traits:

    • A name

    • A timestamp

    • One or more numeric values


  • Annotated key value pairs

Access patterns

  • Sequential read: Read by time range

  • Random write: Different time series data

    • Usually each object has a write sampling frequency is per 5s/10s.

  • Much more write than read

  • Lots of aggregating dimensions

Storage in HBase


Why rowkey is important

  • If rowkey could be designed properly, then data could be distributed evenly into HRegions. And different HRegions could be located in different server nodes.

Row key design

ts = (object, tags) + metric + [(timestamp, value), (timestamp, value), …]

// entity_id is hashed result of combination (object, tags)
// metric_id is hashed result of metric
// timebase is the result of Unix timestamp % 3600, 
//             4 byte length, Rowkey represents 1 hour data. 
RowKey = entity_id + metric_id + timebase


  • entity_id and metric_id makes data evenly distributed.

  • timebase makes continous data next to each other.

Support tag aggregation

  • HBase does not have native support for index. This makes it impossible to find all entity_ids given a tag.

  • In the example below:

    • Give a tag: K1=V1, it could find all entities containing the tag: entity_id1, entity_id2, entity_id3


Vertical sharding

  • Each product has a different database

Horizontal partitioning

  • Slice name is Product - data - {starttime}

    • startime is the data starting time in table.

    • It will help remove data in batch.



  • The longer the retention period is, the less data could be stored.


  • At query time, dynamically downsample data based on user assigned query range.



Write time series DB from scratch

  • https://fabxc.org/tsdb/


  • https://www.twosigma.com/articles/building-a-high-throughput-metrics-system-using-open-source-software/

Uber M3

  • https://eng.uber.com/m3/


  • https://www.infoq.com/presentations/datadog-metrics-db/


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEJ6xq4frEw&ab_channel=HasgeekTV

Last updated

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