
Zookeeper based implementation

  • It is becoming popular because it is the default registration center for Dubbo framework.

  • Idea: Use Zookeeper ephemeral node to work as service registry and watch mechanism for notifications.

  • Cons:

    • When there are too many directories or too many clients connecting to Zookeeper, the performance will have a natural degradation because Zookeeper enforces strong consistency.

                                       │Service consumer│                             
                                       │                │                             
                                           │       ▲                                  
                                           │       │                                  
              Step 3. Create a node        │       │                                  
                "consumer1" under          │       │                                  
          /service/consumer directory.     │       │   Step 4. ZooKeeper notifies the 
                                           │       │       client that a new node     
            And watch all nodes under      │       │   "providerN" is added under the 
                /service/provider          │       │   /service/provider registration 
                                           │       │                                  
                                           │       │                                  
                                           ▼       │                                  
                          │                                       │                   
                          │               Zookeeper               │                   
                          │                                       │                   
                          │           /service/provider           │                   
                          │      /service/provider/provider1      │                   
   Step 1. Create a root  │                  ...                  │                   
       service path       │      /service/provider/providerN      │                   
                          │                                       │                   
     /service/provider    │                                       │                   
     /service/consumer    │           /service/consumer           │                   
                          │      /service/consumer/consumer1      │                   
                          │                  ...                  │                   
                          │      /service/consumer/consumerN      │                   
                          │                                       │                   

                                               │  Step 2. Create a node under         
                                               │       service provider               

                                               │  /service/provider/provider1         

                                      │Service provider│                              
                                      │                │                              


  • Zookeeper keeps data in memory as a tree structure.


CP model

  • Zookeeper is in essence a CP model, not an AP model.

  • Example

    • Setup:

      • There are five nodes deployed in three clusters

      • ZK1/ZK2 in Cluster 1, ZK3/ZK4 in Cluster 2, ZK5 in Cluster 3.

      • Suddenly there is a network partition between Cluster1/2 and Cluster3.

      • Within each cluster, there is an application cluster. Application service A is calling service B.

    • If using CP model

      • ZK5 is not readable or writable. All clients connected to Cluster3 will fail.

      • Then Service B cannot be scaled up.

      • Then Service A cannot be rebooted.

    • Should use AP model


  • All writes will come to master node, then it will be replicated to the majority of slave nodes synchronously (two phase commit is used for replication).

    • Possible solution: Split Zookeeper cluster according to the business functionalities. Different business units will not talk to each other.

    • Limitation: Due to the reorg and evolution, different business units will need to talk to each other.


  • Since Zookeeper is based on ZAB protocol. ZAB will maintain a commit log on each node which records every write request. On a regular basis the in-memory records will be dumped to disk. This means that the entire history of write change will be recorded.

  • From the perspective of registration center, it does not need to access history of node changes

    • It only needs to access information such as epoch number, weight of different nodes

Industrial usage

Pros and Cons

  • Reliable

  • Need to create ephemeral nodes which are not as efficient

DNS based implementation

  • Benefits: Low intrusion to the business logic when compared with SDK-based solution.

Put service providers under a domain

  • Idea: Put all service providers under a domain.

  • Cons:

    • If an IP address goes offline, then the service provider could not easily remove the node because DNS has many layers of cache.

    • If scaling up, then newly scaled nodes will not receive enough traffic.

┌───────────┐       ┌───────────┐      ┌───────────────┐       ┌───────────┐       ┌─────────────┐      ┌───────────┐
│user browse│       │           │      │Local DNS cache│       │ local DNS │       │Regional DNS │      │ authority │
│ a domain  ├──────▶│ JVM cache │─────▶│  (Host file)  │──────▶│  server   │──────▶│(with cache) │─────▶│    DNS    │
│           │       │           │      │               │       │           │       │             │      │           │
└───────────┘       └───────────┘      └───────────────┘       └───────────┘       └─────────────┘      └───────────┘

DNS service points to a load balancer address

  • Idea: Consumers connect to the virtual ip address of a load balancer, not DNS servers.

  • Cons:

    • All traffic needs to go through an additional hop, causing performance degradation.

    • Usually for load balancers, if you want to add or remove nodes, it needs to be done manually.

    • When it comes to service governance, usually a more flexible load balancing algorithm will be needed.

                                           │                         │                                              
             ┌──────Discover───────────────│           DNS           │                                              
             │                             │                         │                                              
             │                             └─────────────────────────┘                                              

┌─────────────────────────┐                ┌─────────────────────────┐                   ┌─────────────────────────┐
│                         │                │                         │       Load        │                         │
│    Service consumer     │ ──Invoke──────▶│      Load balancer      │─────balancing ───▶│    Service Provider     │
│                         │                │                         │    and revoke     │                         │
└─────────────────────────┘                └─────────────────────────┘                   └─────────────────────────┘

Ali DNS implementation

  • Independent DNS server

    • Pros:

      • Centralized DNS server. Easy for maintenance.

    • Cons:

      • High requirement on DNS server performance.

      • SPOF

  • Filter based on DNS server: Embed a DNS server in local server. All DNS queries will first be parsed by the local DNS.

    • Pros:

      • Avoid the SPOF

    • Cons:

      • Higher maintenance cost because DNS is embedded within each service.

  • Ali's implementation derive from filter based DNS server.

    1. Service A query service B's IP address

    2. DNS-F intercept service A's request, and see whether VIPServer has the data.

    3. Otherwise, DNS-F will query the actual DNS server.

Proxy based

In-App Registration

  • Def: Each app embed a proxy (e.g. Alibaba Dubbo / Netflix karyon / Twitter Finagle)

  • Pros:

    • No single point of failure

    • High performant

  • Cons:

    • Language compatibility. Requires multiple language support.

  • Use cases:

    • In mid/large sized company where language stack is consistent and unified.

Side car

  • Def: Run two separate applications on the same machine. One for service registration, and the other for service discovery.

Consul implementation

  • Consul: Registry center's server end, will store registration information and provide registration and discovery service.

  • Registrator: An open-source third party service management project. It will listen to services' docker instances and provide registration and unregistration.

  • Consul template: Regularly pull information from registry center and update load balancer configuration (such as Nginx stream module). Then service consumers could get latest info by querying Nginx.

Message bus based registration

  • Idea:

    • When service providers come online, consumers could tolerate some latency in discovering these service providers. A strong consistency model such as what Zookeeper provides is not needed.

    • Could have multiple registry center connectecd by message bus. Registry center could have a full cached copy of service providers and multiple registry centers could sync the data via a message bus.

  • How to solve the above idea's update latency problem

    • Client retry when the service provider is no longer there.

  │      Service provider       │                                                          
  │                             │                                                          

          Step 1. Create a                                                                 
                 │                                     ┌──────────────────────────────────┐
                 │                                     │           Message bus            │
                 ▼                                     │                                  │
  ┌────────────────────────────┐    Step 3. Publish    │  ┌───────────────────────────┐   │
  │                            │     registration      │  │Service: Checkout          │   │
  │                            │  ────message to ───▶  │  │Address:  │   │
  │                            │      message bus      │  │Version: 2019113589        │   │
  │                            │                       │  └───────────────────────────┘   │
  │                            │                       │                                  │
  │                            │                       │  ┌───────────────────────────┐   │
  │                            │                       │  │Service: addToCart         │   │
  │                            │                       │  │Address:  │   │
  │                            │                       │  │Version: 2019103243        │   │
  │    Registration center     │                       │  └───────────────────────────┘   │
  │                            │                       │                                  │
  │                            │        Step 4.        │  ┌───────────────────────────┐   │
  │                            │   Pull/receive push   │  │          ......           │   │
  │                            │◀──notification from── │  │                           │   │
  │                            │      message bus      │  │                           │   │
  │                            │                       │  └───────────────────────────┘   │
  │                            │                       │                                  │
  │                            │                       │  ┌───────────────────────────┐   │
  │                            │                       │  │Service: Checkout          │   │
  └────────────────────────────┘                       │  │Address:  │   │
         ▲                │                            │  │Version: 2019113590        │   │
         │                │                            │  └───────────────────────────┘   │
         │                │                            └──────────────────────────────────┘
Step 2. Consumer          │                                                                
  subscribe to            │                                                                
  registration            Step 5. Receive                                                  
 center change       notification for service                                              
         │                │provider list                                                   
         │                │                                                                
         │                ▼                                                                

  │      Service consumer       │                                                          
  │                             │                                                          

Last updated

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